About Me

Who am I? I am an intuitive, therapist by trade, change agent, and a vessel for spirit. While titles don't mean much to me, I do believe that understanding my path helps me be the best possible person in this creative process we call life. The integrative approach I take, utilizing skills and learning from all areas of my life, support my ability to be a channel for spirit. As this vessel it is my hope that those who sit with me receive what they need to hear from those who guide us. In my work, I simply ask spirit to provide evidence that validates an afterlife, while providing helpful information that resonates on a personal and soulful level. My passion and educational background of working with others along with my spiritual guides, have blessed me with the opportunity to participate in the world in a new, creative, and exciting way. I awake each morning with a renewed attitude toward what is possible and await the exciting opportunities that exist.

I am a Spirit Having a Human Experience

Now more than ever I believe we are waking up to this ...  We are confined to 'home', which ultimately home is our deepest part of ourselves.  Our soul is our true home! We can choose to wake up and rediscover our soul self, or we can do more of the same and seek external validation for Who we are.  This is a time, although perceived to be one of little choice, of great decision. we have choice.  The decisions we make during this time hold great promise for our future.

When  you get uncomfortable...  closed in?... stuck... or feel restricted, what do you do?  Who do you become?  This is a time of great pause, of great reflection, of great envisioning.... We get to decide how we move forward, individually and collectively.  We get to co-create a new Earth, a new society, a new way of 'being' in our physical world.  That's is AMAZING!  It comes with human felt pain, human sorrow, human restriction, but it is met with spirit filled possibility, with spirit surrounding love, with spirit creating hope, with spiritual big jobs (Thanks Gemstone Tarot for that one!) that lead to love infused and light directed evolution!

We have built upon creations and systems that once served us.  They had their place and they did their job.  They advanced us to new ways of doing things, new ways of understanding our human existence, and now we must continue building but with a new type of block, perhaps a block we can't see or touch in the same way our human eyes and hands have done so in the past.  This time reminds me of building and getting creative with my kids.  We use anything and everything we can find in the house, including items for building like legos, wooden blocks, and others, but our building isn't held together because we only use one material, or only one type of building medium...it's held together by tape, glue, strings, and whatever else we can find.  Our lego cities aren't constricted by just plastic color coded hole fitting pieces, oh no!  There is doll furniture, homemade cardboard pieces, plastic, hot wheels tracks, and whatever else our imagination can come up with.  All in all, this is a time for looking at how we 'build', how we create, and what we use.  Its a time to see a bigger picture and how many pieces can come together to complete the puzzle. It's about the proverbial saying 'the sum is greater than its parts', Its about opening our minds to new ways of doing, of thinking, and allowing others to show us how they've been creating; It's about a global call to a better humanity; It's about a home that is solid because first you feel at home in yourself; It's about what you have to offer being appreciated; It's about things being turned upside down and inside out so that authenticity is about WHO we are on the inside and not the ego we try to present on the outside; It's about showing up, growing up, and rising up!

May today you realize that You are a Soul having a Human EXPERIENCE and you are here to get closer to love.  How will  you choose to use this time -- a deep dive into who/what you are or a surface swim where all that matters is if you have perfect form and the fastest time?

How will you wake up?  Will you choose fear or will you choose love?

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