About Me

Who am I? I am an intuitive, therapist by trade, change agent, and a vessel for spirit. While titles don't mean much to me, I do believe that understanding my path helps me be the best possible person in this creative process we call life. The integrative approach I take, utilizing skills and learning from all areas of my life, support my ability to be a channel for spirit. As this vessel it is my hope that those who sit with me receive what they need to hear from those who guide us. In my work, I simply ask spirit to provide evidence that validates an afterlife, while providing helpful information that resonates on a personal and soulful level. My passion and educational background of working with others along with my spiritual guides, have blessed me with the opportunity to participate in the world in a new, creative, and exciting way. I awake each morning with a renewed attitude toward what is possible and await the exciting opportunities that exist.


Moments in the sun

After the rain we raise our arms up to greet the sun, but its the rain that raises our appreciation for the day that the sunshine returns.  Without the rain (contrast), its difficult sometimes to understand. to really KNOW AND EMBRACE, the vibration of love and joy. The polarity of life, the duality, light and shadow, can - if we allow it to be a teacher and lean into it- can aid us in a clearer understanding.  We must first seek to feel what these states are, because its in the feeling of those states that we integrate them into our human experience.  If we weren't human we wouldn't need to do this - it would just be all love and light all day every day.  BUT we are humans, on this physical Earth, this school of life, and well we will have contrast, we will have shadow, we will have pain, we will experience sorrow.  To know these states is very different than just having them occur.  To know them means you take time to reflect, feel, learn from, grow from, uncover, remember, and ultimately move through them in a way that doesn't define you or the future, but informs it.  Allowing you to feel joy on a new level, feel happiness in a new way, to become more aware of what you want, to sift and shake out that doesn't serve you.  Its a process, and the rain is a part of it, too.  BUT MAN WAS I HAPPY TO SEE THE SUNSHINE THIS MORNING!!!!!!!!

So I went out into it.  I walked the dogs for a few miles, then set out for a run...

44 moments in the sun:
1. grateful for waking up this morning
2. grateful for breath of life
3. ... for shelter
4. ...food to eat and water to drink
5. my children
7. rain
8. my legs agreeing with my head to get outside and exercise
9. the oracle card I drew for myself - NEW LIFE
10. my run
11. my neighbor smiling at me
12. a man telling me the truth to my question:  "How are you?"  reply: "I'm going stir crazy. Today I am not so good"
13. flying grasshoppers
14. flowers blooming in places I've never seen before
15. the sound of flowing water - a small waterfall near the back gate of my apartment complex
16. The #44 EVERYWHERE
17. the two runners headed in the opposite direction who moved into the street and both smiled saying, "I can see the cars better"
18. the countless waves from people who were out enjoying the LIGHT
19. the tree I hugged
20.  the man pushing a stroller with what I assume was his daughter in it, saying "I'll try to get that spreadsheet to you soon (sounded like a work call), but I am taking care of other things right now (walking his daughter in the stroller!  YES!)
21. the music playing while I run
22. the chills I get when Spirit is speaking to me!
23. sweating out the old stuff
24. a road work ahead sign and my moment of thinking about how roads are changing.  How paths are more like we what we will be headed down - possibly unpaved, leading to new unknown places, adventure of the unknown awaits, and how paths tend to be less 'stuck in stone' - a freedom to try new things and just see where it goes
25. my running shoes and the money in my bank account to replace them 
26. the hills around my home 
27. the three hawks circling 
28. the dragonfly that flew next to me for a bit
29. the woman who threw her hands up with me as we shouted "sunshine"
30. the hope I felt about where things are headed
31. the runners high I was getting 
32. the two doves sitting together, having a moment, and when I asked if they had anything to say to me, I heard "FLY"
33. the small still voice of spirit saying to me "All things are possible"
34. seeing the same fedex worker who I've seen seen several times out in a about the past few weeks all in different places
35. stopping to make a video of what I was experiencing - being less caught up in what others might think of me or the fact that my heart rate might go down and I'll burn less calories
36. a feeling of deep inner peace and being completely present
37. the downhill I was on
38.the neighbor who I've had some 'not so pleasant' moments with waving and me waving back
39.all the birds chirping, flying, and dancing on the wind
40.the smell of fresh cut grass reminding me of playing soccer as a child in Texas
41. the pure movement of running - moving energy through and out of my body - not stagnant
42.a horn and a wave between a driver and a person walking on the sidewalk
43. did I mention SUNSHINE!!!
44.  The run being over but wanting to go again!

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